Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Live Dates and Album Release

This is very exciting. Album is available in the shops on Monday 28th Oct, and my dear dear friends at Regular Music are presenting our first album dates in Glasgow and Edinburgh on 28th + 29th respectively. I'm delighted that my very talented chum William Douglas will be opening.
None of you will be surprised to hear that Regular only agreed to this as long as there was no guest list ha ha, so attendance at this historic and culturally significant event will cost you a whole fiver each. Tickets available now

Friday, 26 July 2013

session notes updated -

If you click on "Recording the Songs" you'll get an insight into where the tunes came from, why I chose them, and how we approached them. "Originality," as John Lennon said, "is concealing your sources".

Thursday, 25 July 2013

McCrary Sisters Heaven

Nico and I have just got back from a couple of uplifting and fantastic weeks playing with Andy May and Jim McDermott for the McCrary Sisters from Nashville - we felt completely plugged into the heart and soul of southern gospel music, a marvellous experience. Check them out - www.facebook.com/mccrarysisters

Brilliant shows, wonderful people - a real joy